Back to Work Class
Thrive & Flow: Back to Work Breastfeeding: empowers parents returning to work with practical strategies to balance their careers and breastfeeding goals. This course covers everything from creating a personalized pump schedule, managing milk supply, to navigating workplace policies, ensuring moms feel confident, supported, and ready to thrive both at home and in their careers.

In-Person Pump Class
Pump Like a Pro: Hands-On Pumping Success is a dynamic, in-person class designed to help moms master the art of pumping. Whether you're preparing to return to work or simply want to maximize your milk supply, this class offers live demonstrations, hands-on practice with different pumps, and expert tips for efficiency and comfort. You'll learn how to choose the right pump, perfect your setup, and establish a successful pumping routine. Leave feeling confident, empowered, and ready to pump like a pro!